Grid Mechanics Arch

The mechanical arc grid is a machine fit for polluted water treatment and precisely for the filtering of the solids parts contained in them.
The machine is particularly fit when the water to be filtered flows in a canal of pre-arranged dimensions.
The principle of working is the following:
The water is introduced into the canal and afterwards intercepted by a filtering grid of cylindrical shape.
The grid, arranges to keep back the solids parts having bigger dimension than the holes which are present in the same.
The solids parts remain stick on the filtering grid which might be obstructed in a short time if there wasn’t the system of cleaning the machine.
The system consists in a periodical passage of a brush which cleans the filtering net.
The solids parts are drawn by the brush, and are stored in a separate removable tray; instead, those that may not tear off from the brush, are removed by a special blade; the last, mounted on levers is lightly raised during the passage of the brush, and its weight is calibrated so as to give the right pressure on the bristles in order to obtain a thorough cleaning.
The brush is keyed on a brush-bearer which is mounted on a cross.
Between this two parts there are some stay-rods of regulation which are necessary for the best setting of the brush, and also useful during the recovery of the clearance.
The cross may be constituted of two or four arms according to the particularities of the water to be filtered and may be single or double.
The main advantages are in the low operating cost; ease of installation and the simplicity of operation.
- SUPPORTING FRAME: stainless steel
- ROTATING ARMS: tubular
- CLEANING COMBS: stainless steel or polizene self-lubricant that provides cleaning of the grid
- SCRAPING CLADE: for cleaning the combs