The Aspirated Bridge With Traction Device

The aspirated bridge traction device is a machine fit for the treatment of wastewater for applications of circular tanks with column in the center. The purpose of the treatment is to purify water coming from any type of treatment that pollute them, and don’t allow direct disposal. The water is continuously fed from a flow of water that requires treatment. Inside the tank there are biological organisms that break down the pollutant content, and the purified water is extracted from the surface by the weir ( a serrated profile). The downstream compartment will channel outside the treated water. The biological degradation that takes place inside the tank, produces two types of product: floating foam and muds that sink to the bottom. Then, to extract clean water, is necessary to place a second weir continuous profile which has the task of preventing the foams from reaching the peripheral part of the tank and come out with the purified water. The bridge has two basic functions: convey surface foam in a collection tank; aspirate the bottom of the tank, conveying the sludge in the central area from which they are removed, all while maintaining the waste water in motion, thus favoring the biological process. The bridge, in rotation, carries with it two fundamental elements: group sludge suction, that acts on the bottom of the tank; the other one is a blade flame deflector, also attached to the bottom of the tank but operating in surface.
- girder connection pipe device
- suction cylinder for collecting sludge integral with the girder
- stamping plain
- translation truck double axis
- support frames bottom scrapers constituted by vertical tubular supports
- fund scrape suspended
- collecting blade made of a steel blade with wear rubber and ending balance box